'Teaching children is an accomplishment; getting children excited about learning is an achievement'. Robert John Meehan
Curriculum Intent
At Princes Risborough Primary School, we offer an exciting and motivating curriculum that enables our children to develop many skills and talents. Curiosity is welcomed, questions are encouraged and an excitement about learning is nurtured. Our vibrant and stimulating curriculum is thematic and places reading and high-quality texts at the heart of learning. We strongly believe that this approach provides a wide array of learning opportunities and inspires a love of learning in all of our children.
At Princes Risborough Primary School, our curriculum places the learning journey of ALL pupils at the very heart of everything we do and this is based on our core values of Perseverance, Respect, Possibilities and Sharing as well as our Great Learner’s Trust academy values of Truth, Love, Faith, Courage, Respect and Community. We expect great things for all of our pupils and the Trust motto of ‘Believe and Achieve’ reflects our determination in this.
Our curriculum is knowledge rich and skills based. Our priority is to give our children the opportunity to study areas of the curriculum in greater depth and to make links within their learning so that they are able to demonstrate and apply what they know to new and existing concepts. Our curriculum develops children’s moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding and we ensure that our pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain. We encourage children’s aspirations, highlighting what is possible for their futures, and the strength of our curriculum supports this.
Our curriculum is carefully planned to provide rich, real life experiences and purposeful learning for all of our children. This allows our pupils to develop their self-confidence, creativity and skills to prepare them for a world beyond school. Our curriculum recognises and builds upon children’s prior learning and is designed to ensure that children’s skills and understanding are extended and built upon each year.
Our curriculum places a strong focus on oracy and developing our pupils’ speech, language and communication skills. This allows our children to articulate their learning and understanding and to apply skills and knowledge confidently in many different contexts.
Both physical and mental wellbeing are prioritised within our curriculum and our pupils have a strong understanding of spiritual, moral, social and cultural concepts. It is our duty to promote equality through our curriculum and to ensure that disadvantage is addressed and that this gap continues to close.
Our curriculum encourages life-long learners and responsible citizens. Our growth mindset approach to learning allows our children to understand the learning process and to develop their resilience. We want our children to have exceptional outcomes whilst at the same time nurturing their independence, curiosity and creativity. We want to grow our pupils into future collaborators, innovators and leaders. Ultimately our pupils will move on to their next learning journey as wellrounded, confident and inquisitive individuals, above all else understanding what it means to be human.
Curriculum Implementation
Our curriculum is carefully planned and designed to ensure smooth transitions between all phases and year groups and with a clear focus on our pupils being secondary school ready as they move into Key Stage 3.
We use the Primary National Curriculum as a starting point for all subjects and ensure that we have progression and coverage across all year groups. Outcomes are designed to meet the requirements of the Primary National Curriculum but also to develop the skills needed for learning and for life in general. Our curriculum is designed so that the subject specific skills are scaffolded within a cross-curricular project each term. These projects are designed with an authentic outcome in mind, working towards a final project, show or community event. Pupils are provided with high-quality lessons and experiences which both stretch and challenge pupils, as well as deepening their learning further. High-quality visits and visitors are also well designed to enhance and enrich the curriculum offer.
Each subject has a clear curriculum statement which sits alongside long- and medium-term planning that outlines key objectives. Short term planning is evaluated and adapted regularly to ensure we are meeting the needs of all pupils.
The design of our curriculum ensures that the needs of individual pupils and small groups of children can be met within the environment of high-quality teaching and this is supported by specific and targeted interventions where appropriate. Enjoyment of the curriculum promotes independence, confidence and positive learning behaviours.
The curriculum is implemented through our structured weekly timetable. Expectations for daily core lessons in Maths and English are set out in the weekly timetable along with additional lessons for daily Phonics lessons (following the Little Wandle synthetic Phonics programme), whole class guided reading, daily class novel time and daily Maths fluency sessions. The weekly timetable also places a strong emphasis on non-core subjects such as topic (which incorporates the knowledge and skills of history, geography and art through a thematic approach) and subjects such as science.
Curriculum Impact
At Princes Risborough Primary School, we work relentlessly to support all pupils to achieve their full potential, by ensuring excellent standards and high expectations. Our curriculum is carefully sequenced, all subjects have clear end points identified and staff know what is expected of all children, in all subjects, by the end of each year.
Our curriculum is vibrant and experience-rich, giving all pupils a wealth of exciting learning opportunities and laying solid foundations for a lifelong love of learning. Our curriculum teaches core skills and knowledge in English, maths and science whilst actively developing all other subject areas, ensuring that our curriculum is broad, balanced and challenging for all pupils.
Our children enjoy coming to school. They are excited and engaged by their lessons and learning. We pride ourselves on the holistic approach we take with all pupils, nurturing and encouraging them to be confident individuals and secure in their own self-worth. Our children are well prepared for their journey beyond Princes Risborough Primary School and our curriculum equips our children with the skills and experiences they need to become brilliant role models to those around them.
Our end of key stage outcomes are improving, reflecting the ongoing school improvement work taking place and the journey the school is on. Where children are not yet ready to move on to the next key stage curriculum, we strive to ensure transition is robust so that all pupils continue to make progress. Above all, we aim to ensure that all pupils are ready for the next stage of their learning journey, both at PRPS and beyond.
We take steps to ensure that our curriculum offer is accessible to all children, irrespective of their ethnic background, gender, disability, religious or linguistic background. We strive hard to meet the needs of those pupils with special educational needs, those with disabilities, those who are high achieving and those who are learning English as an additional language. We provide a rich, broad and balanced curriculum, which stretches all our children. Staff monitor and track the progress of all children carefully to ensure that learning opportunities are well planned to meet their needs in order to promote learning and progress.
If you wish to discuss the curriculum in more detail or have any questions regarding this area, please contact: Mrs Amy Howlett, Headteacher Tel: 01844 345251 |
Subject leaders can be contacted via the main school office. Please see the document below for subject leader responsibilities and contact details.