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Princes Risborough Primary School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


School Improvement Plan

The School Improvement Plan (SIP) is written each year in close liaison with all stakeholders including staff, governors, parents and the children at our school. The SIP identifies the key priorities for the year ahead. Priorities are set using feedback from external agencies, such as OFSTED, and also from emerging priorities seen in school over a period of time.


The Senior Leadership Team monitor the implementation of the plan within school and the governors monitor the impact closely through governors meetings and visits into the school.


The School Improvement Plan is evaluated half termly to monitor our progress towards achieving our objectives. The SIP feeds directly into subject specific action plans which identify key actions for senior or subject leaders.


Our key priorities for the year 2023 – 2024 are:


  • Subject Leadership - To improve teachers' subject and pedagogical knowledge to enhance the teaching of the curriculum. 


  • SEND - To ensure the best possible SEND support and provision for children with additional needs. 


  • EYFS - To ensure the EYFS curriculum provides no limits or barriers to the children's achievements, regardless of their backgrounds.


  • Maths - To ensure that pupils understand and remember key mathematical knowledge, concepts and procedures.


  • Pupil and Staff Wellbeing - To ensure that pupils are fully supported to develop strength of character and that staff are fully supported in managing their own wellbeing and workload.