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Princes Risborough Primary School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Parent Link

At Princes Risborough Primary School, we are always searching for ways to be more accessible and accountable to parents and carers.


We encourage you to provide feedback and offer suggestions to the school on things, both positive and negative, and we would like to provide you with a forum in which you can easily share your ideas on how could we could improve. 


There are two ways to send us your views: via the Parent Forum Representatives who meet with Mrs Howlett each half term to raise issues, concerns and provide feedback to the school team; or you can feedback direct to us using the link below. 


The staff and the Governing Body really value your opinion and recognise your commitment to your child's learning and to our school. We all play an enormous part in making PRPS such a warm, nurturing and inspiring place in which all children can reach their potential - we encourage you to use this resource and help us to make it even better.


If you have any serious concerns we always advise you to speak to the class teacher in the first instance.  Our Deputy Headteacher and Headteacher are always available by appointment.
