ARP Online Learning
Please find below a list of activities for the children to access during the school closure. If your child integrates for different subjects, please look at that year groups class page to find work that is set for them.
All children should have a username and password for Lexia, Numbots and Times Table Rockstars.
In addition to this, there is also whole school art competition that children can take part in. Please see further details below.
Art Competition January 2024
ARP English
Additional Activities
Play a board game
Play a board game with somebody and explain to them how you play the game. Can you explain the rules? How do you decide who goes first?
Remember what you should do if somebody else wins.
Find a song
Research for a song that you would like to learn to play on the boom whackers. Can you remember the name to share with us next week?
Do something physical
Go for a walk, cycle, run or even something different. How does it make you feel? Can you think of your own physical activity that you could do and share with Mr Pearce next week?
Princes Risborough Primary School has a 12 place ARP for pupils with Autistic Spectrum Condition with social and communication needs. Pupils with Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) indicating ASC as their primary need are placed within this specialist provision by the LA who have determined, in conjunction with parents and proffesionals that an ARP environment best meets the specific needs of the children.
Specialist support within the ARP is aimed at developing social skills in smaller teaching groups where inclusion is not always appropriate. Lessons are taught both within the ARP setting and in the mainstream classes when appropriate. When children from the ARP integrate into mainstream they are supported by a member of staff from the ARP, this support is not 1:1.
The ARP has its own teaching rooms, with 2 qualified teachers to support children who are unable to access mainstream classes. (ARP 1 and ARP 2 classes in addition to the chill out room) ARP pupils are able access to SaLT (although we are currently trying to recruit one) , Occupational Therapy if named on their EHCP and given a smaller class environment with resources specifically to support their individual needs.
The ARP pupils have full and equal access to all extra-curricular activities, such as Breakfast and After School Clubs, school trips and school residentials (where and when appropriate) . In addition, the ARP pupils are given the opportunity to attend the local swimming pool once a week as part of their occupational therapy, and life skills approach to learning.