At Princes Risborough Primary School every child and every member of staff is a member of one of our four houses: Diamond, Emerald, Ruby or Sapphire.

Pumpkin Competition
On Friday 25th October, a large number of carved pumpkins arrived in the school playground.
Judging was undertaken by the house captains who gave one overall winner followed by winners in each house.
Ruby house were awarded a Mufti Day on the last day of half term for having the most points - these are house points given for exceptional work, behaviour and showing our school values.

Ruby house was awarded a Mufti Day on the last day of half term for having the most points - these are house points given for exceptional work, behaviour and showing our school values.
The running total for each house is now below:
Staff House Captains 2024-25
About the House System
Each house has its own Coat of Arms and House Values statement and is led by two Year 6 House Captains, voted for by the school, with support from staff House Captains.
Children can earn house points which go towards their house total - the house with the most house points at the end of each half-term wins themselves a mufti day. Examples of house point worthy behaviour can be found below:
Children also compete for their houses at sports day and other inter-house events organised throughout the year.