Year 1 Blog 2023-24
20th March 2024
On Monday Year 1 had a fantastic morning on our school trip to Discover Bucks Museum where the children took part in a workshop about our recent History topic – ‘Toys through the ages’. The children had the opportunity to take part in 5 different activities from exploring the museum and seeing a variety of old fashion toys, to making their very own toy!
In maths we have been exploring measuring mass. The children have enjoyed weighing different objects to work out there mass. We have then been comparing objects to work out which one is heavier or lighter.
In addition to this, we have been looking at capacity. This involved us using different measuring jugs outside and pouring water to identify which jugs were full, nearly full, nearly empty and empty.
23rd February 2024
In Science we are just beginning our new topic ‘Animals including humans – All about me’. The children had lots of fun in our first lesson drawing round each other with chalk and then labelling their bodies. The children learnt lots of new words and found it particularly interesting talking about our hearts. Over the next few weeks we are going to be focusing on our five different senses.
In Art at the end of last term the children used all their knowledge from the term to create their own ‘Clarice Cliff plates’, using only blue, red and yellow. The children then had a go at mixing the red and yellow to create orange. They were all very proud of their plates!

2nd February 2024
Since returning after Christmas the children have had lots of fun starting our new Art topic and learning all about colours. They enjoyed learning a rainbow song and then painting their own. We have been playing lots of colour games around the classroom too. The children have also been learning their primary colours and had fun mixing the primary colours to create the secondary colours.
In English we have started our new Talk for Writing (T4W) topic and the children have been investigating some mysterious footprints that appeared in our Year 1 garden… after lots of discussion and investigating, the children worked out that a fox, owl, mouse, snake and a GRUFFALO have visited! We have been putting our English skills to the test and learning adjectives, similes and alliteration to describe the different animals.
15th December 2023
Year 1 were really proud to show off their nativity 'Boogie Woogie Nativity' to the school and their parents this week. We hope you enjoyed it!

8th December 2023
Over the past few weeks in DT, the children have been learning about and creating their own moving story books. Their moving books are based around the story of Humpty Dumpty. The children have been creating their own sliders with different characters on, to then use and be able to retell the story to the class. The children have been colouring in their castles to be the background for their books. The children have really enjoyed making these and we are looking forward to seeing what they look like when they are finished!
9th November 2023
Over the past week in Year 1, we have moved onto a new Maths topic - subtraction. We have been learning how to use number lines to support us with answering questions and had a go at writing and answering our own subtraction questions. On a sunny day, we also went outside and used chalk to draw our own number lines. We then had to stand on a number and jump backwards to help us work out the different answers. To support further with this, we have been listening to our ‘number bonds to 10’ song which the children enjoy singing along to and then use to help them answer different questions.
In English this term, we have begun looking at instruction writing. We have been reading a story about ‘How to wash a woolly Mammoth’ which the children found rather funny! We have begun to learn our model text along with actions to help us remember. We have started learning the key features of writing instructions and the children particularly enjoyed learning when and how to use bullet points. They then had a go at writing their own shopping lists, with their own choice of items! The children did very well with using their phonics mats to help sound out words, identify different digraphs and trigraphs to then support with spellings.
3rd October 2023
Today we went on our school trip to Tring Museum. The children had lots of fun exploring and seeing the different animals. We then had a workshop where the children were able to put their science lesson knowledge to the test and sort different animals into their animal groups. They were then able to explain different characteristics of the animals. The children also had the opportunity to dress up as different animals and move around in character!

29th September 2023
This week in Year 1 we have been busy learning more about Goldilocks. The children have enjoyed cutting and sticking to sequence the story. Lots of children have also been writing letters to Goldilocks, asking her different questions and trying to find out why she came into our school!
In Art we have been enjoying drawing round different 2D shapes and then using a variety of different media to add colour to their work. The children particularly enjoyed using oil pastels!
In PSHE this week we have been talking about the word ‘worried’ and what it means. The children shared what can make them feel worried and we have been working together to come up with strategies to help. Afterwards the children all shared who they feel they can trust both in school and out, so that they know who they can talk to if they are ever feeling worried. They have also drawn some pictures of the people they trust.

8th September 2023
Year 1 have had a fantastic start to the school year, settling in well and showing their kind nature towards each other.
This week in Maths, they have enjoyed counting and sorting different monsters into groups, using chalk and paintbrushes to help them practise their numbers and working together as a team to sort different shapes and colours. We also had lots of fun dancing and counting to 100!
We were also lucky enough with the sunshine to take clipboards outside and explore to see what we could find. The children were set challenges to find things that were different colours before having a go at drawing them!