Year 6 Blog 2023-24
22nd March 2024
This week in Art, Year 6 have been learning about the drawing and painting technique of chiaroscuro and applying understanding of using light and dark to create form and impact in Maya-inspired word art. We used masking tape to mark out a Maya calendar name to create ‘positive’ white space under the masking tape. We then covered the ‘negative’ space (the background behind the word) in an even layer of black charcoal.
After this, we used a rubber to remove the charcoal from the edges of the word. We imagined that the word was in 3D and we thought about where the light would still be able to reach.
Then we removed the masking tape to reveal our 3D word! Here are our finished designs.
On Thursday, we visited St.Mary’s Church to learn about how and why Christians celebrate Easter. We started off with an Easter quiz where we learnt some fun facts – did you know 60,000 Cadbury Crème eggs are made in an hour?!
After that, we completed some eggciting crafts, along with time to reflect on who are our heroes and who we could help. We were given workbooks and funky pens too! We had a wonderful visit and we were really proud of how well Year 6 represented PRPS!
World Book Day 2024
8th March 2024
In Art, we have been looking at a painting by artist Diego Rivera. We discussed what we could see in the painting, what we liked/didn’t like and how we thought it was created. We then went onto discuss what we thought inspired the artist! Most of us were able to recognise the links to Maya art.
Year 6 have been working on their netball and hockey skills this half term.
They have made real progress with their netball skills and are really understanding the game and rules.
Year 6 had a fantastic day on Thursday! They wrote short stories which they then read to buddies in Year 2 in the afternoon. Also, we visited the Reading Café which was set up in the hall and enjoyed biscuits and hot chocolate while completing the activities in there. This included guessing the teacher/book character mash up, guessing the ‘Book in a Box’ and so much more! All in all, there was a great buzz around the school and we’re already looking forward to next year!!

12th January 2024
On Monday, Year 6 were visited by Flying Officer Kristian McMullan. He told us all about his job in the RAF and a lot of interesting information about what the RAF is and what different jobs there are in the RAF. As a former pupil of PRPS, the children were very excited to look at his Year 6 yearbook! The children also got the opportunity to hold his ceremonial sword!
In Art, we have been looking at a painting by artist Diego Rivera. We discussed what we could see in the painting, what we liked/didn’t like and how we thought it was created. We then went onto discuss what we thought inspired the artist! Most of us were able to recognise the links to Maya art.
We then created a research page in our sketch books to gather imagery, pattern and colour ideas from Maya art – just as Rivera may have done.
24th November 2023
Last Thursday, Year 6 visited the Science Museum for their school trip. They had a brilliant day exploring and learning. We visited the ‘Making the Modern World’ gallery which showed us inventions over time and how technology has developed. We also visited the ‘Wonderlab’ which was a room full of so many interactive activities from friction slides to live experiments to circuits to smoke rings!
At the end of the day, we visited the ‘Flight’ exhibition and learnt about Amy Johnson and some of the first ever planes in the skies! We had a wonderful day and the children were such a credit to the school. Well done Year 6!
Year 6 have told us their ambitions for the future and we are hoping to have some guest speakers in to inspire them. Lots of children talked about wanting to visit Japan and create their own manga. Mrs Mill (who had just been visiting family in Japan) came in to tell us more about Japanese traditions and culture. The children asked some fantastic questions!
15th November 2023
The Year 5-6's enjoyed their Art Club and had a go at drawing the second half of their own face, in portrait club. They have really taken on the challenge and shown such great skill and determination to succeed. Their perspective and proportion have developed, and you can see their detailing using shading and tone to add depth to their drawing too.

13th October 2023
In English this week, we zoomed Fabiana Harrington and interviewed her. She was a gymnast at the British Championships; she is an artist and has travelled the world, including climbing Kilimanjaro! Also, her job is writing biographies for her company, ‘Forever Stories’. We all were so inspired by how much she has achieved in her life and wrote her biography as our Cold Write.

In Art we have been applying our understanding of photography to design and recreate a famous painting. We worked in pairs to choose and analyse a painting, noting its main features and meaning. We then made design decisions to select and arrange props to replicate a painting in a photographic way!