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Princes Risborough Primary School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


School Performance Information

The 2023 end of Key Stage 1 and end of Key Stage 2 assessments (completed in the summer term) assessed the pupils against the expectations set out in the National Curriculum which was introduced in 2014. New tests and teacher assessment frameworks were introduced in 2016 (updated in 2018) to reflect the revised curriculum.


Following the tests in June each pupil receives their test results as a scaled score in reading and maths along with a teacher assessment judgement of whether the child has met or not met the end of Key Stage age-related expectations in writing. 



Our school has a higher than national average percentage of children eligible for Free School Meals (26.1% school, 23.5% national) and a higher than national average percentage of pupils with SEND (18.3% school, 15.3% national).


We are incredibly proud of our most recent Key Stage 2 SATs results in 2024. Our Year 6 pupils achieved above national results in all subjects - reading, writing, maths and GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling). 78% of our Year 6 pupils achieved the expected standard in all subjects (combined results) which is 17% above the national average.


Our Greater Depth standard results in Key Stage 2 were also strong across all subjects tested and have improved since last year. 37% in reading, 15% in writing, 30% in maths, 37% in GPS and 15% of pupils in Year 6 achieved Greater Depth standard in reading, writing and maths combined.


Our core curriculum in English and Maths has been a key focus of our School Improvement Plan over the last few years and these results are testament to this.


Our EYFS results also showed significant improvements this year. 76% of our Reception pupils achieved a good level of development (GLD) compared to 67% nationally.


*Please note that not all national data has yet been published.

**Full school performance information data can be found by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.



We strive to ensure all pupils make good progress in their time at the school. The robust tracking systems in place throughout the school, using both Insight and PiXL assessment tools, enable us to monitor pupil progress effectively and to act swiftly to put in place support for those pupils who require additional intervention.


Our assessments are based on the National Curriculum. We are also a PiXL school which gives us access to a wide range of resources around pupil assessment, enabling teachers to identify areas that children have not yet fully understood and strategies to support them to make faster progress. Being a PiXL school also gives us access to a national network of conferences and ensures that we are at the forefront of high quality educational thinking that supports every child in reaching their full potential.


In order to maximise pupil progress in English, Mathematics and Phonics, we carry out regular Pupil Progress meetings in all year groups throughout the year and follow the national PiXL assessment schedule from Years 1 - 6. 


The children's progress is tracked both in year and also from their Key Stage starting points so that we can easily identify children who may need extra support and/or challenge.


Parents are informed about their child's attainment and progress regularly through Parents' Evenings and Workshops. In July, all parents receive their child's annual report.


If you have any questions or queries about your child's progress, then please arrange a meeting with the class teacher by emailing the school office (

2023-2024 School Performance Information
